Its nice to hear how you space out over various aspects of life influencers from Spirituality to Authoring to Organizing ... Gives an idea of working towards a Balanced Wholesome Personality! Keep it up!

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After a long time, actually reading through an entire newsletter and enjoying it too. The last time that happened prior to this was around 2001-02 or so, when J C Penney used to send nice stories about the origin of some of the products they sold in their stores. Yeah, it's been that long that I really enjoyed a newsletter!

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Not fair. The last time you introduced the Ps there were fewer. But then I suppose 8 is a good number, reminds me of teh Rajni song in Baasha. I personally feel closer to 7 given all things natural and godly are 7 (edukondala vaaru including). Also, I will remember the P of sPectacles instead of perception. Remember GROSS (of C&H fame).

Oh how many Ps in vippasaana? Good luck with that Luxa.

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Lovely to hear about your Vipassana endeavour. Let me know how it went... just curious

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